Placement of advertising in the journal "Belarusian Agriculture"
Circulation - 1500 - 1600 copies, frequency of publication - once a month, audience - directors and agricultural specialists, large and medium-sized farmers, processing, business, executive power.
Desktop edition of the majority of managers and specialists of the Belarusian agro-industrial complex
Distribution by subscription only - guarantee that the magazine will reach the target audience
High quality printing
Only high quality texts. All our employees have a higher journalistic or agricultural education, the minimum experience in the media is 10 years
Placement of advertising in the journal "Hozyain"
The journal "HOZYAIN" is a full-color glossy periodical with 64 pages. Richly illustrated and provided with valuable expert material.
Reader: estate owner, summer resident, small farmer
Circulation: 16 500
Experts staff
Favorable rates
Advertising in the journal "Garden Design"
Glossy periodical, full color professional magazine for landscape art.
"Garden Design" gives the most complete and reliable idea of the domestic landscape industry, contains practical advice for both professionals and amateur gardeners, covers the development of agritourism, eco-homesteads.
Accurate hit on your client
Unique content
Quality of published materials
Flexible rates