May issue of the magazine "Khozyain"

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Read in the May issue of the Boss magazine:

The "Manor" column will surprise readers with a story about the equestrian history club "Golden Spur". If you can't imagine life without horses or just want to organize a horse ride, you should go to the village of Mezhdurechye, Volozhin district. They are sure that everyone can be taught to stay in the saddle - it's just a matter of desire, time and patience.

"Favorite Garden" recommends taking care of preserving the apple harvest right now. How to reduce the likelihood of bitter pitting? Leading researcher of RUE "Institute of Fruit Growing", Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Dmitry Martsinkevich is sure: the health of fruits and the potential for their long-term storage should be laid already from winter and throughout the growing season.

Growing grapes as a way of life. The magazine "Khozyain" introduces readers to the club of winegrowers "Dozen" from the city of Lida and its founder, Dmitry Chechet. Searching for new varieties for the collection, studying ways to increase yields, optimizing care - in the company of like-minded people, such tasks are solved easier and more interesting. And if your hobby is growing grapes, do not miss Viktor Matusevich's material on how and why to remove excess green shoots on this crop.

If you want to plant a beautiful, undemanding plant in your garden that will produce tasty and healthy fruits, and even practically not be attacked by diseases and pests, your choice is a multifloral goose, or gumi. Irina Sapeshko, head of the nursery of decorative and fruit and berry crops, a member of the Association of specialists of the landscape industry of Belarus, will tell you where to plant and how to care for this plant.

Under the heading "Harvest Garden" you will learn how to cope with capricious white cabbage seedlings and find 5 basic rules for caring for it. To grow strong, healthy seedlings on your own, you need to try. But with the help of Irina Volchkevich, the head of the laboratory for the protection of vegetable crops and potatoes, and Fedor Popov, the leading researcher of the laboratory for the protection of vegetable crops and potatoes of the RUE Plant Protection Institute, it will be easier to do this.

Trichoderma in practice. Vaclav Zalevsky, an agronomist from the Dyatlovsky district, shares his personal experience of using biological products when growing vegetables on a personal plot. And Dmitry Voitka, head of the laboratory of microbiological method of plant protection at RUE "Institute for Plant Protection", candidate of biological sciences, will talk about the important nuances of working with biological products.

Increasingly, the owners of personal plots take up the cultivation of watermelon and do it quite successfully. In the May issue of "The Boss" we have prepared a short educational program on the cultivation of this crop for those who first decided on a watermelon experiment. It is important to avoid gross mistakes in agricultural technology so that the content of nitrates in the fruits does not turn out to be higher than the norm.

In the “Flowers” ​​section, Vladimir Tsarev, an amateur florist from Minsk, will tell you what works will be relevant for a gardener in May. Do not forget to feed the peonies, and if dry weather sets in, water the daffodils.

Sorrel soup is no surprise today. But this herb has long been used not only for preparing first courses. Also, Belarusians baked sorrel pies, and it was a sweet dish for tea. Want to try? Elena Mikulchik, chef, Belarusian cuisine expert, culinary historian and author of cookbooks, prepared a detailed master class.

First aid kit for dogs and cats, as well as important information about medicines for pets - in the heading "Home Farm". For example, many of the "human" drugs should not be given to animals. Why? Zarina Lesyukova, veterinarian at the Cat and Kit clinic.

Handmade cheeses are always a demanded exclusive: they are not replicated, they are not a mass product from retailers, they are produced in small batches and, as a rule, on order. In the May issue of "The Boss" we will tell you about the semi-hard cheese "Podolyansky" made from goat milk, the home of which was the village of Podolyany, Postavy district.

What is the best food for cows, goats and sheep? Thinking about grass in the nearest meadow? It would seem that the young juicy grass has everything you need. Alas, this is not the case. Hypomagnesemia, grazing tetany, herbaceous tetany, herbal disease are different names for the same disease, which arises from a lack of magnesium in the body of animals and is manifested by disorders of nervous activity. Vladimir Ivanov, associate professor of the VGAVM educational establishment, candidate of veterinary sciences, on the prevention and important aspects of the transfer of animals from the stall type of feeding to the pasture type.

Are your kids afraid of bees even if you have your own apiary? Ekaterina Sinyavskaya will tell how she and her husband not only helped their daughter overcome this fear, but also got the children interested in the topic of beekeeping. It is not the first year that girls have been helping their parents in the apiary. And this season a lot of new and interesting things await young beekeepers, because their adventures are just beginning.

What kind of bee to start your own apiary with? Yuri Schegolev, mother beekeeper from Volozhins whom district recommends Karnik. Why is Karnika the best option for a novice beekeeper? Peaceful, comfortable for work, the bee allows you to place hives in garden plots without disturbing the neighbors. Other pluses of this breed of bees - in the heading "Apiary".

Beekeeper Vladimir Trusevich from the Dzerzhinsky district has more than once shared his practical experience with the readers of "The Boss". In the new issue, he presents a ten-seater half-frame nucleus, which he has been using for more than one year.

And one more material from the heading "Apiary", which will not leave indifferent any beekeeper - "The influence of additives in wax on the growth and development of bee colonies." The head of the branch laboratory of beekeeping of RUE "Institute of Fruit Growing" Dmitry Rakhmatulin reports. The article contains practical experiments to determine the quality of foundation at home, and to what results falsification of foundation can lead.